This program computes the normalization coefficients of a given orthogonal 1-dimensional complex wave-function
for a given n index, or for a whole set of orthogonal wave-functions. Additionally, it performs orthogonality and orthonormality checks and plots the normalized wave-functions shapes. More physical and mathematical information can be found here.
The set of wave-functions is used in quantum mechanics to find a generic solution for the 1-D Schrödinger equation and in particular for the equation of the harmonic oscillator.
This program computes the coefficients only for a certain kind of wave-function, which should be:
- Orthogonal.
- Real or complex.
- 1-dimensional (therefore, with only one variable).
- Time independent.
The function may depends on an index n but this is not necessary, since the program can calculate the coefficients also if n=0.
NB: equation color is green in order to improve the readability both for light and dark GitHub themes.