Il confinamento magnetico del plasma termonucleare
Published in AMS tesi di laurea (University of Bologna), 2018
Bachelor thesis
Recommended citation: G. Bianco, "Il confinamento magnetico del plasma termonucleare" (2018).
Published in AMS tesi di laurea (University of Bologna), 2018
Bachelor thesis
Recommended citation: G. Bianco, "Il confinamento magnetico del plasma termonucleare" (2018).
Published in Tandem Project Reports, 2020
Unofficial publication
Recommended citation: G. Bianco et. al, "Tandem Project Report: Classification in particle physics using machine learning" (2020).
Published in AMS tesi di laurea (University of Bologna), 2020
Master thesis
Recommended citation: G. Bianco, "Study of the quantum interference between singly and doubly resonant top-quark production in proton-proton collisions at the LHC with the ATLAS detector" (2020).
Published in Computing and Software for Big Science 5.22, 2021
Recommended citation: S. Malik et al, "Software Training in HEP", Computing and Software for Big Science 5.22, (2021).
Published in Nuovo Cimento 45, 2021
Conference proceeding
Recommended citation: G. Bianco, "A method for the study of the quantum interference between singly and doubly resonant top-quark production in proton-proton collisions at the LHC with the ATLAS detector", Nuovo Cimento C 45, 1 (2022).
(2020) Higgs-boson physics (data analysis)
(2020 - 2024) Top-quark physics (data analysis)
(2021 - 2024) Offline detector data analysis and software development
(2021 - 2024) Top-quark physics (data analysis)
(2023 - 2024) Quantum computing (software development)
Keywords - Python, quantum mechanics, numerical analysis.
A program to compute the normalization coefficients of a given orthogonal 1-D complex wave function.
Keywords - C++, quantum mechanics, mathematics, algorithm.
Implementation of an algorithm to compute the coefficients of a function development in a spherical harmonics convergent series.
Keywords - Python, Bash, Scripts.
A collection of scripts I developed for personal and working projects.
Keywords - Bash, ROOT, script.
A shell script to automatically install the ROOT framework on Ubuntu, Windows or MacOS operating systems.
Keywords - Python, Utility.
A library containing general purpose Python utils I developed for other projects.
Keywords - C++, Utility.
A library containing general purpose C++ utils I developed for other projects.
Keywords - Python, machine learning, particle physics.
Classification of Higgs boson decays using machine learning.
Keywords - Python, machine learning.
Application of machine learning to classify the Sonar data.
Keywords - C++, print, Utility.
A single-header library for custom printing to the output stream.
Keywords - Python, particle physics, particle detectors.
A framework with tools for analyzing ATLAS RPC DCS data.
Keywords - C++, ANSI escape sequences, Utility.
A library for output stream manipulation using ANSI escape sequences.
Keywords - C++, game, SFML.
A snake game with scores, options, audio and more created using SFML.
Keywords - C++, app, OpenMP, libcurl.
A library for downloading files from the web, powered by OpenMP and libcurl.
Keywords - C++, app, utility.
An app to automatically clean up temporary files and ignored items from git repositories in your system by analyzing .gitignore files.
Keywords - C++, app, Qt.
A desktop app for password management and creation, developed using Qt.
Keywords - Python, quantum annealing, unfolding, statistics.
A module to perform the statistical unfolding / deconvolution / matrix-inversion problem using quantum annealing with D-Wave quantum computer.
Keywords - Python, particle physics, quantum computing, cross-sections.
Python framework to measure differential cross-sections of particle physics processes using classical- and quantum-computing based unfolding techniques.